Welcome to 3 days of pulling your weenie… Im too much of a sadistic brat to make something that would allow you just to have fun and cum for 3 days in a row… no no no – thats not what you’ve signed up for haha!
You have signed up for my version of cock abuse ahaha yeah sure you get to cum and play with your self but lets see if you can hack THIS much dick jerking!!!
Theres no cumming unless I specify!
Day 1
7am: wake up and wank and edge for 15 minutes straight then exactly in 15 minutes stop and pull your pants up and go on with your day or go back to bed or whatever!
8:30am: go to a corner and stand with your nose in it for 5 minutes… jerk off for 5 minutes while standing with your nose in the corner. Pull very hard and squeeze very hard while wanking this time! If you have to do it in a public place like a public stall or bathroom, just do it!
9:am: go to the bathroom and jerk off until you cum!
11:am: go to the bathroom and jerk off until you cum!
12:30pm: go to the bathroom and jerk off until you cum!
2pm: Jerk off for 7 minutes slowly. No cumming!
3pm: edge for 5 minutes… (by now this should be hard to do, but thats too bad for you because even if it takes 30 minutes to get to the edge stage for 5 minutes… thats what you’ll have to do!
5pm: jerk off with lots of soap… you MUST cum and when you cum do it in your pants. For example when you cum, point your stupid pecker into your pants and cum in the crotch of your pants or even down one of the legs! Then wash your hands off but not your dick…
6pm: jerk off hard, fast and furious for 5 minutes straight!
7:30 pm: Now go have a shower and have a 20 minute wank session in the shower. Finish by cumming
8:30: wank prayer session! Go to my website www.MindysFeet.com or www.MistressMindy.net and worship and wank for 30 minutes… no cuming just edge.
Right before bed: get on your knees and jerk off in a robotic motion for 10 minutes… no pleasure just a robotic ordered beat off.
6am: wake up and get ready for the day… BUT you must jerk off the ENTIRE time you’re getting ready! That means walking around jerking off, making coffee jerking off, etc… This must be at least 30 to 45 minutes of walking around jerking off!
8:30am: use a sock and jerk off for 10 minutes
9:am: jerk off for 10 minutes with a fist FULL of wet soggy toilet paper
10:30am: put one foot in a toilet and one on the floor… stand like that and jerk off slowly for a very long 10 minutes!
12:30pm: jerk off with hot sauce for 15 minutes… Iv made this one during lunch time in case you need to go to the grocery store!
2pm: Jerk off with your OTHER hand while your usual jerk off hand has one finger up your ass… chant “i worship you Princess Mindy, You own me Princess Mindy” for 15 minutes
4:30pm: put your finger in your ass while you’re on your knees and jerk off like that for 20 minutes
5pm: dont jerk off this time… just stand in the corner with your finger in your ass for 15 minutes.
7:30pm: jerk off hard, fast and furious for 5 minutes straight!
Right before bed: wank prayer session! Go to my website www.MindysFeet.com or www.MistressMindy.net and worship and wank for 30 minutes… no cuming just edge.
Day 3
7am: wake up and wank and edge for 15 minutes straight then exactly in 15 minutes stop and pull your pants up and go on with your day or go back to bed or whatever! / no cumming
8:30am: pull your pickle for 3 minutes / no cumming
9:am: pull your pickle for 3 minutes / no cumming
10:30am: go to my website and load my tribute page… then wank and jerk off until you cum… but you can only jerk off for 10 minutes!
12:00pm: check out and worship new clips all lunch hour and wank until you cum.. and you MUST cum! www.clips4sale.com/912
For the rest of the day and night: I want you to jerk off every single hour you’re awake for the rest of the day and night.. every odd hour(example: 1pm, 3pm,5pm,etc) you must cum and the even hours (example:2,4,6pm,etc) you may not… but you must wack off on the even hours for 5 minutes straight… hard and fast!
The last jerk off of the night you MUST cum – Now after 3 days of excessive dick jerking, teasing, cuming and the rest of it… you may have a hard time. That however is your issue haha so even if it feels impossible you are being ORDERED to so you must!
Upon completion of this wankathon you should have a sore cock and are most likel sick of jerking off… Which is entertaining to me.
The whole point of this wasn’t to give you a great 3 days jerking off, but forcing an excessive dick jerking routine on you which I prefer you would do before days before a hot date or just before a night where you’ll be expected to have sex and preform haha which you wont be able to!
I also made this as a form of punishment type fun… oh yeah you like jerking off so much? well take This slave!
have fun servant boy!
~ Princess Mindy