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a few paragraphs of a short and descriptive blackmail story which tells of a sobriety hard cock reality which involves you in full on expensive REAL blackmail.

WARNING: this is seductive and will tempt you into sending me your info as I’ve so cruelly added links to my blackmail stuff throughout the story… it makes it so hard for you to not give in. you WILL give in! 😉

Just to make it even harder for you to resist this story which will make your dick throb and your mind become dumb, I’ve also been a doll and added some irresistible photos with the text as well. So now you have a HOT story which will be your reality, photos and links to blackmail stuff to get you when you’re weak… PLUS, I added stroking commands with visualization commands to burn this eventuality deep into your mind!

You’re going to want it, need it and wont be able to resist it after this! #Blackmail

$4.75 / text story / Buy from Princess-Mindy through Niteflirt.com


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